How I paint Death Korps of Krieg veteran guardsmen

I’ve recently finished painting two squads of the great new plastic Death Korps of Krieg veteran guardsmen. It’s a great kit and was very fun to both assemble and paint. I’m looking forward to using them in some games of Kill Team, and potentially might even get a few more boxes to form the start of an Imperial Guard army.

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To build them I followed this guide – allowing me to build virtually all the Kill Team options from two boxes. I think this might cause a few issues down the line if I want to use them as two Imperial Guard squads for 40k, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Here is how I painted them. Unless otherwise specified, all paints are from GW/Citadel (mostly contrast paints).

Basing Texture

AK Interactive Neutral Texture for Rough Terrain

and a few blobs of Citadel Agrellan Earth on each base


Rustoleum Flat Black spray

Zenithal highlight with Vallejo Game Air Cold Grey (72.750) – this could easily be replaced by Citadel Grey Seer

Base Colours

Boots – Wyldwood

Leg wraps above the boots – Wraithbone

Trousers – Space Wolves Grey

Greatcoat – Ultramarines Blue, later highlighted slightly with Kantor Blue and Hoeth Blue

Leather (belts, backpacks etc) – Snakebite Leather

Gas masks – Basilicanum Grey

Goggles – Blood Angles Red

Metal – Army Painter Gun Metal, then shaded with Nuln Oil and then highlighted with Army Painter Plate Mail Metal

Gun casings, barrel things under the backpacks – Black Templar


Mechanicus Standard Grey base coat, Nuln Oil wash, dry brush with a mix of Mechanicus Standard Grey and Grey Seer.

Final Step

Oil wash with a roughly 70/30 mix of Burnt Uber and Ivory Black (both Winsor & Newton Winton Oil Colour)

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