How I paint: House Cawdor

House Cawdor gang

If you’re a fan of Necromunda and the House Cawdor gang, you’re in for a treat! In this post, I’ll be sharing my personal approach to painting these gritty miniatures.

The House Cawdor gang is known for their grimy, industrial aesthetic and their devotion to the Cult of the Redemption. I’ve had a lot of fun painting these miniatures, and I hope this post will give you some inspiration for your own Necromunda gang.

Painting Steps:

  1. Prime with a black paint. I use Rust-Oleum Flat Black primer spray, it’s not quite as good as Chaos Black from Citadel, but it’s significantly cheaper.
  2. Zenithal spray the model with Citadel Grey Seer.
  3. Use the following Citadel contrast paints for the parts indicated…
    • Boots: Basilicanum Grey
    • Hoods, cawls: Flesh Tearers Red
    • Rags on arms and legs: Ratling Grime (this is one of the new range of contrast paints, and I love it!)
    • Flesh: Guilliman Flesh slightly diluted with Contrast Medium.
    • Guns: Black Templar.
    • Rags strapped around guns etc: Skeleton Hoard diluted with Contrast Medium.
    • Ropes (around necks, waists, nooses etc): Snakebite Leather.
    • Tunics and face coverings: Apothecary White.
  4. Paint the parts you want to paint metal with Army Painter Gun Metal.
  5. Then paint the same parts with Nuln Oil.
  6. Finally, I apply a light oil wash with a mix of Burnt Umber with a tiny amount of black oil paint. This is very much an optional extra step – the models are very grimy without it too.

And there you have it – my process for painting my House Cawdor gang for Necromunda! I hope you found these steps helpful and informative. If you’re new to painting miniatures, don’t be intimidated – it’s a fun and rewarding hobby that anyone can enjoy with a bit of practice. And remember, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity shine. Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

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