A Step-by-Step Guide to Painting My Blue Lobster-Inspired Tyranids

The release of the new Tyranid models in the Leviathan boxed set for Warhammer 40k’s 10th edition inspired me to fulfill a long-held dream: creating a Tyranid army. But it was a video from Midwinter Minis that guided me to the blue lobster theme, giving birth to Hive Fleet Carapax.

The unique cerulean hue of blue lobsters, coupled with a captivating design by Midwinter Minis, became the foundation for my hive fleet. I adapted the original scheme, making a few minor changes and I figured it would be worth documenting the process, both for my own benefit (I hate it when you come back to a project after a break and can’t figure out exactly which colours you used) and to spell things out a bit easier.

With the Tyranid models from the Leviathan boxed set, I selected and modified them to fit the lobster-like theme. The rich palette inspired by blue lobsters presented an exciting challenge, as I sought to capture the essence of Hive Fleet Carapax.

Now, I’m thrilled to share the painting process. Join me as we explore each step, from priming to finishing touches, and discover how this blue lobster-themed army comes to life…

  1. Prime the models white. I used Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover Flat White Primer, but any good white primer should do. This was the first time I’d used a pure white primer on a model, so I was a bit nervous!
  2. Cover the entire model in a wash to emphasise the shadows. I used Citadel’s Agrax Earthshade.
  3. Paint the armoured scales with Citadel’s Tellasar Blue.
  4. Paint the fleshy parts with a 1/1/1 mix of Citadel’s Magos Purple, Volupus Pink and Contrast Medium. I’m toying with thinning this down a bit further in future with additional Contrast Medium.
  5. Drybrush the entire model with an ivory colour, I used Vallejo’s Ivory.
  6. Using something like a tooth pick, apply dots of Citadel’s Kantar Blue sparingly to the armoured scales.

Painting Hive Fleet Carapax has been really fun – it’s a simple and relatively unique scheme that should look great on the table top. I haven’t yet done any of the larger models, but the scheme should give me scope to take those to the next level with additional details.

But the journey doesn’t end here. The foundation is laid, but the landscape in which Hive Fleet Carapax will unleash its terror is still taking shape. In a future article, I will delve into the basing techniques once I’ve settled on a colour scheme for them, adding that final touch that brings the entire vision together. Stay tuned for that next chapter, where we’ll explore the terrain that will become the hunting grounds for the relentless swarm of Hive Fleet Carapax.

Until then, may your brushes stay steady and your imagination boundless. Happy painting!

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