My 2024 hobby goals

With the New Year freshly dawned, it’s time to assess the battlefield of my hobby projects. This year, the focus is on progress and exploration, with some key objectives in mind:

1. Tyranid Completion: My current Tyranid army sits in a state of promising limbo, partially assembled and primed for greatness. 2024 is the year to finish what I’ve started, bringing brush to chitin and transforming plastic potential into painted, tabletop-ready glory.

2. Hobby Space Revamp: My current hobby area resembles a dimly lit Lictor ambush, ripe for tripping over stray tentacles. This year, I’m carving out a dedicated and organized lair. Proper lighting, efficient storage, and a potential painting station – watch this space for progress!

3. Imperial Fists Evaluation: Time for some strategic redeployment. My once-beloved Imperial Fists find themselves overshadowed by my Tyranids, Necrons, Emperor’s Children and Tau. I’m exploring options, and if any Dorn loyalists out there seek a new Chapter to lead, reach out – I could be looking to sell!

4. Battlefleet Gothic Voyage: The void calls, and I’m answering with a foray into Battlefleet Gothic. I’ve loved this game for years and would love to actually get a hold of some minis and paint them up. Time to delve into lore, chart tactical courses, and unleash broadsides in the eternal darkness.

5. Warmaster Revolution : I’m more than a little bit excited about the Old World launch, but to be honest a lack of storage space and the money for another huge army mean it’s probably off the cards for me for 2024. That said, I’m very tempted to dip my toes in to Warmaster Revolution and get a small scale fantasy army on the table.

I’ve tried to keep these achievable but a bit of a step up from what was a bit of a quiet hobby year for me in 2023 (really other than the excellent Necromunda campaign at the start of the year).

I’ll report back in December!

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